The New Studio Saga

The New Studio Saga


In 1998, armed with a low-resolution proto-digital camera, I documented the construction of my studio in Kingston Springs, TN, and made periodic posts on the progress. This started as a progress report on the construction of my new studio - to keep my old landlord (where I had all my stuff stored), friends and family informed. It has turned into a visual diary that documents the process of building the studio - Starting in September 1998 and ending in August 1999.

This kind of diary would later become known as a web log or blog. Over the years I have had many people tell me that they have read every entry, so I am archiving it here for those who are contemplating building their own studios.

I am grateful to all my friends who came out to help during critical phases of construction. I wish everyone the good fortune to have friends like these.

- Craig Nutt


Having built some smaller buildings, I figured that a 3,000 sq. ft. studio should be no big deal!

That is my cousin Greg Layton in front and me right behind him trying not to hammer his knee.  We have both put on a little weight since this picture was taken .



  It will look something like this.

"Craig, how is the studio coming - when are you going to get your stuff out of here?" - Miah Michaelson, Kentuck Director